International and local congregations can cooperate in many ways.
In seven German towns and regions, international congregations form international conventions which support their members reciprocally. They hand out invitations to intercultural church services and festivals. Would you like to know whether there is an international convention in your district? Then click on your region on the map.
Many local congregations rent rooms to international congregations and the companionship between them grows when they celebrate joint church services. At festivals and other occasions, they get to know each other better. Relationships are deepened when the congregations meet each other, for example, with their choirs or their women's groups. The pastors and the leaders should have joint consultations on a regular basis.
In about 600 localities, there are Associations of Christian Churches (ACK) where Protestant, Roman Catholic and other denominations cooperate to demonstrate the fellowship God has given them (John's Gospel, chapter 17, verse 21). They wish for more international congregations to cooperate. You can get more information from the ACK in your own region.
You will also find the local ACKs on the websites of the regional ACKs.
“The member Churches and Church Fellowships in Germany form the 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen in Deutschland e.V.' (The Association of Christian Churches in Germany) for a joint witness and ministry. They confess Jesus Christ according to the Bible as God and Saviour and work together to achieve that to which they have been called to the Glory of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit“ (Constitution of the ACK, Paragraph 1)